I want to talk to you about something that has always been a great strength of mine: oratory. The art of speech has always come naturally to me, and I've always enjoyed engaging with people through the power of words. But one day, I decided to take my oratory skills to the next level and start writing my speeches down on paper. And that's when something amazing happened.

As I began to put my thoughts and ideas into writing, I realized that I had a talent for it. I found that I was just as skilled at writing as I was at speaking, and I started to develop a passion for putting my thoughts and ideas into written form. Whether it was for myself or for others, I found that I enjoyed writing speeches, articles, and essays just as much as I enjoyed delivering them.


What I love about writing is that it allows me to explore my thoughts and ideas in a more structured and focused way. It's one thing to speak off the cuff and rely on your natural charisma and charm, but writing requires a level of discipline and organization that I find really satisfying. When I write, I have to think carefully about my arguments, my evidence, and the structure of my piece. And when I'm finished, I feel a sense of accomplishment that's hard to match.

But writing isn't just a way for me to indulge my creative side; it's also a way to develop my brain activity. Research has shown that writing can have a positive impact on our cognitive function, improving our memory, our focus, and even our emotional well-being. When I write, I feel like I'm giving my brain a workout, and that makes me feel great.

Finally, I want to talk about how writing helps me to stay calm. As much as I love speaking in front of people, it can also be a bit nerve-wracking. But when I write, I can take my time and really think about what I want to say. I can work through my ideas and refine my arguments without feeling the pressure of an audience. And that helps me to feel more centered and focused, which in turn helps me to be more effective when I do speak.

So there you have it, folks. Oratory will always be a passion of mine, but writing has become a true love. It challenges me, helps me to grow, and calms me down all at the same time. If you haven't tried it, I highly recommend giving it a go! Thank you for listening, and I hope you have a great day!